Team Recovery
Project Window promotes education. Through education we hope to decrease teen pregnancies and prevent juvenile detention . Teen pregnancy has declined in the nation’s teen birth rate in all groups except for girls ages 10-14. Three in ten girls give birth before the age of 20. New York has one of the largest numbers
of pregnancies in the US.
The cost of locking up New York City’s youth is far more than the cost of public education. The average annual detention cost for one bed in secure detention rose in 2009 to $226,320, The average annual cost per pupil in a New York City public high school is $15,371.
A vastly disproportionate number of youth in detention come from the city’s poorest neighborhoods. One of the neighborhoods with the highest rates of juvenile detention is Far Rockaway. The neighborhoods with the highest rates of detention also have the highest levels of poverty, poor housing and under-performing schools
Project Window will provide tutoring and other academic support to participating girls. Tutors will identified and selected by Project Window after a thorough screening and application process. Tutors will work with girls on a one-on-one basis or in groups organized by topic, for the purpose of improving the girls’ academic performance and increasing their confidence and self-esteem.